File iconrndf_ed.tar.bz2 (321.32 KiB)

An editor for RNDF Files in Perl, that I did at the DARPA Urban Challenge 2008. You can basically align street maps with distorted, large satellite images and edit them. Installation is not straight forward, but documented. Screenshot

eMail Optimizations

Some optimizations for the trio of procmail, mutt und vim

NeuralControl Library
File iconneuralcontrol.tar.gz (99.50 KiB)

A lightweight reinforcement learning library that tries to be open to extensions and very easy to integrate into existing projects. At the moment, Q-Learning on CMAC and Neural Nets (using n++) as function approximators is implemented. Configurable via config files.

File iconsr2.pl (14.07 KiB)

Program to practice fast reading in Perl, with a ncurses user interface. I tried to implement some standard tasks which I found on the internet. You supply any text, and choose the way it is displayed. The program remembers where you left of.

AutoResponder for CenterIM/CenterICQ
File iconrespond.pl (3.17 KiB)

German auto-responder for CenterIM / CenterICQ. It first tries to reuse the history Acme::Wabby, then its own heuristics, waits a while, puts in some typos… really, I had a lot of fun.

Nagios Plugins
Nagios Plugins

This is an example of how to set up Nagios for a huge network monitor with lots of additional scripts making this task a lot easier. Performance data can be collected and flexibly visualized using RRDTool.

Back Bone Monitor
Back Bone Monitor

This is a server/client combination of scripts that allow monitoring of windows hosts. It is very modularized and uses very little bandwidth, since only hourly small summary-files are sent for every server.

Kung Fu Eilenburg Homepage
Kung Fu Eilenburg Homepage

A homepage I created for the martial arts group Kungfu-Eilenburg e.V.. I still like the guy fighting the menu smiley ;-)

Stamm LEO Homepage
Stamm LEO Homepage

This is my first homepage, meanwhile a little (update: very!) old fashioned looking. Its for our scout group in Leipzig, Germany.

Cardiology Würzburg Homepage
Cardiology Würzburg Homepage

Another homepage I did. It also has an online editor that lets you edit content in a structured way.

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